Student Support Cell
J P Associates LLP is committed to professional development of talent in all spheres of life. For the very same, this section of our website is dedicated to students who can find the articles related to their studies and can even ask us questions for their guidance.
Click here to know more about becoming a Chartered accountant and what they do
Click here to ask us any question you need help upon
Call us to get an appointment for one-to-one counseling with our Chartered Accountants in practice
Click here to view few interview tips J P Associates LLP also offers incredible foundation for trainees and articles to construct their new career depending on the education level at our pool for a common learning.
Team of J P Associates LLP is also exposed to wide variety of specialty programmes from time to time, helping them in their personal development as a respected professional. Varied workshops and short-term programmes happen are on the subjects of IT Training, Negotiation Skills, Office Automation, Stress Relaxation Exercises, Conference Management, Public Relations, Office Management Practices and many more, allowing you to get acquaint with our work culture, methodologies and our specialised technical knowledge system and gain experience in our work areas.
Click here to know our policy on training of articles
Candidates Should Possess:
Candidates should have a good academic record.
Good knowledge of current affairs and corporate industry.
Knowledge of Computers would always serve as an advantage.
Good Communication and Reporting Skills
Strong inter-personal skills to deal with Clients and Team Members
Interested candidates may submit their resume with a brief on why he/she wishes to join J P Associates LLP (in not more than 250 words) by email.