Our Primary Policy
To have continuous evaluation and supervision of the staff to bring the best of them.
To recruit staff who can adopt and follow the organisation objectives, policies and work culture.
To provide the best working environment, opportunities for value addition by collective learning while working and job satisfaction.
To elevate willing employed Chartered Accountants to partners in the firm.
To respect and take care of personnel individual needs also.
We have Four – Tier system in the organisation
♦ Partners
♦ Paid Chartered Accountants
♦ Paid Non Chartered Accountants
♦ Trainees
For selection candidate shall give a personality test, result of which shall be attached with evaluation sheet as part of it.
A formal personal file of each of the Chartered Accountants whether employee or partner is maintained, stating the brief description of the Chartered Accountant and other necessary documents.
Annual review of personal file and orientation records is done formally. Partners taking lectures on technical subjects for ICAI Branches and professional association are given special credit. All the Chartered Accountant’s are individually associated with training programme of the office.
Partner is generally promoted from employed Chartered Accountants of the firm. Employee Chartered accountants are generally taken out of our own trainees, as we are aware of their integrity and skill. When an outsider is inducted he is kept on probation for 6 months/ one year. Thereafter he would be inducted for employment. After working as employee if he is working with full satisfaction for a period over one year or so he may be recommended as partner. The decision of partnership is on recommendation of the senior incharge. CA J P Agarwal with consultation with other senior partners takes the decision in this respect.
No trainee is allotted any job, which is required to be done by assistants except occasionally and that too under supervision.
Yearly bonus is paid to staff based on their performance in all respects based on a predefined formula.
Encouraging staff to ask questions and to initiate discussions in in-house meetings and otherwise.